Hat Rikshaw Josh Mein Hai - A Humorous OOH Branding By Josh
The catchy and humorous branding on Auto Rikshaw by Josh Brand. One of my friend 'Raja Mohammad Ahtesham' shared this rikshaw branding after i shared the Josh Billboard i spotted in my area and also the Tv Commercial Video.
On my facebook many visitors funny comments make me smile but this Riokshaw Branding catches my attention with the caption "Hat! Rikshaw Josh Mein Hai".

A humorous OOH promotion of a brand who seriously holds a concept about the sensitive issue of family planning in Pakistan. Previously in the Tv Commercial of Josh post review i mention its not what the brand show its how people react and show their actions.

A humorous OOH promotion of a brand who seriously holds a concept about the sensitive issue of family planning in Pakistan. Previously in the Tv Commercial of Josh post review i mention its not what the brand show its how people react and show their actions.
For me its a unique way of promotion many people who are unaware, who are uneducated and illiterate, many people who don't watch Tv and outside of their home its a catchy branding which itself a question a curiosity what, how, why it is like it. Its what i can review about this branding your views are something else.
Also See: Josh Bigger Pack TVC 2015 Video