Ho Gaya Mujhy Pyar Ufone 3G Song On location Making and The BTS (Video)
It was really fun watching 3g Song as a new year gift from Ufone featuring Shehzad Roy & Wasu Khan. I wonder how in this cold weather they manage to make the song in such beautiful view. Watching the BTS and making of the song made us realize it really a tuff job.

Watching the making of Ufone 3G song was the same enjoyment as the real video give us. The team and cast share their experience on the set. Here is the making BTS and the final cut watch and enjoy.
Related Post: Ufone 3G Song Video ft Shehzad roy & Wasu
Ufone 3G Song Credits: 
Watching the making of Ufone 3G song was the same enjoyment as the real video give us. The team and cast share their experience on the set. Here is the making BTS and the final cut watch and enjoy.
Related Post: Ufone 3G Song Video ft Shehzad roy & Wasu
- Client: Ufone
- Director : Ahsan Rahim
- Associate Dir : Mukhtar Zaidi
- DOP : Kelvin Keehoe
- Music : Shani Arshad HM Studios
- Art Dir : Muhammad Arif
- Locations : Arif Rehman
- 2nd AD : Attu Bhatti
- Wardrobe & Styling : Abdul Samad - Mavi Kayani - Noman Yasir
- Post : Tadpole Films - Taha Ali
- Steadycam : Asad Faruqi
- Helicam : Muhammad Salik
- Animation & Online : Vertex Media
- Roy Makeup : Sajid Mehmood
- Makeup : Waqar Hussain
- Specail Thanks To Nigah Jee
- Producers : Asmat Ullah & Rehan Abbasi
- Its A Tadpole Films Production
- Cast: Shehzad Roy, Wasu, Faisal Qureshi, Ahmed Ali, Aqdas Waseem, Ahmed Abdur Rahman and others
- Detailed Post by: Myipedia