Nido 1+ You're Doing Great Mom A Heart Touching Story of Every Mother (Video)
A beautiful video by Nestle Nido 1+ about how mother feels and take care of their children. The jingle describes the feeling with the beautiful wording and soothing music.
With every bump, every fall, every scrape your heart misses a beat, you feel your heart sink to your feet. You wonder if you can do it… Take it from a mom who’s been there that #YoureDoingGreatMom.

Its reality that making decision for your children is not an easy task. You had to think a lot and go through worries for taking care of your child health growth and education.
Its a really heart touching video which make me realize how hard moms life become for taking care of us. Nido 1+ also give tribute to mother who keep doing every thing for their children. Watch the video now at myipedia.
Nido 1+ - You're Doing Great Mom TVC Credits:
- Client: Nestle Pakistan
- Product: Nido 1+
- Director: Ahsan Rahim
- Producer: Slingshot Films
- Associate Director: Mukhtar Zaidi
- DOP: Usman Malkani
- Hair & Makeup: Adnan Ansari
- Talent: Citrus Talent
- Art Director Muhammad Salar Khan Yousufzai.
- Set Incharge Ahmed Khan & Umer Ali @ Set&Act
- Set & Props Aqeel ur Rehman Set&Act
- Detailed Post by: Myipedia