Burka Avenger Season 3 Episode 1 Review
I was very excited to see Burka Avenger season 3 Episode 1. It was season top animated serie presented by Haroon. As myipedia's trend here is the pictural episode 1. The starting of episode 1 with the action and animation amazed me. It was the intro of Jan Chand Raindo (Rambo Scambo).
I was curious what will be the story lead to where and finally it comes out to be an advertisement of a club who invites children to join and learn how to become powerful.
It was hilarious when it ends with the message "We will not held responsible for mental illness, injuries or hair loss, participating at Rambo Scambo Club .. wizarat e Jan Raindo".
I was curious what will be the story lead to where and finally it comes out to be an advertisement of a club who invites children to join and learn how to become powerful.
It was hilarious when it ends with the message "We will not held responsible for mental illness, injuries or hair loss, participating at Rambo Scambo Club .. wizarat e Jan Raindo".

The children all decided to join Jan Raindo club and went there for the registration. At the club they were impressed by the entry of Jan Raindo.
This part i like the most each and every action of the registration was focused as locally happened in rural areas of Pakistan. On the registration page for agreement you have to put a thumb nail.
Jan Raindo when ever tried to impress the children by showing his stunts he make a blunder and Baba Bandook appears to cover the blunder. But the innocent children they couldn't guess it's all fake and Baba Bandook with his henceman is planning something more evil.

The club entry test was really funny every time when the children had to hit the target they accidentally hit Jan Raindo. But still they were received an OK sign and the training starts.
Baba bandook announced ... we will soon go on a very dangerous mission and after that mission you will become the hero. Infact it was Baba Bandook plan to use children and accomplish making a Sling Shot Tank (Ghulail Bandook). The only purpose to this Sling Shot Tank is to destroy HalwaPur.
Ashu and other girls were worried about the boys who went at Jan Raindo club. Accidentally Ashu listen to all Baba Bandook's evil plan and got scared. She tried to take immu and other friends back but all in vain they refused to go back. This shows they were under Baba Bandook spell. Their behaviour shows the brain washing and a motive to become a hero.

Ashu calls Burka Avenger to help. On the other hand Baba Bamndook was already to implement what he planned for the children. Baba Bandook shot the children with the help of Sling Shot Tank (Ghulail Bandook) at the spot from where the plan was executed. The parachute scene was really impressive.
It shocked me when the children were order to ready with their Sling Shot. Baba Bandook announce Mission Attack Halwapur. It shocked every body Emu shouted its my house, family and friends live here how can i attack, same goes with the other kids.
Baba Bandook emotionally black mails the children saying its an order of Jan Raindo your hero. But the children refuse saying they won't hit their own people and threw away the sling shots.

Golu bites Jan Raindo's and the truth reveals. It was one of Baba Bandook Henceman. The boys shouted we were being tricked. Burka avenger appeared and Baba Bandook welcome her by saying "You become late this time".
Burka avenger warn Baba Bandook but it wasn't of any use. In reply Baba Bandook wickedly laughing saying "get ready to be mashed you little brat". There won't be any Burka Avenger in the HalwaPur anymore.
Again it was funny they attack Chair and Table with the help of Sling Shot Tank. But Burka Avenger dough the hit. She recall the inner Peace (Andaroni Sakoon) by Takht Kabadi and remember what she was taught.
It was all we knew about Newton's third law in physics "Every action there is equal and opposite reaction".

Burka Avenger at the spot made the calculation how from where Baba Bandook will attack with the slingshot and where she will had to use her forces to stop the attack. It was again amazingly shown the actions and stunts of Burka Avenger. She use books and make a sling shot to reverse Baba Bandook's attack.
Burka's reaction save Halwa Pur and destroy Baba Bandook's Sling Shot Tank. It all ends the children was happy and Jan Raindo's spell vanished. At the same moment Baba Bandook use his magic and hide.
Moral: This episode ends with Burka Avenger's positive message "Organization who use voilence to accomplish their means are harmful towards the society. Voilence will never answer to anything, which is why you should never use force against other people".
See Other Post of Burka Avenger: Click Here