Wiki leaks Denies Mubashar Lucman Statement about MQM

Mubashar Lucman recently in his show Meri Jung on Bol Tv talks about the email he received from Wiki leaks. In details he said 4 years back when he worked ay Dunya News he received an email by Julian Assange of Wiki leaks declaring the details of MQM receiving funding from India.
He tweeted it on his twitter account.
Julian Assange was right when years back he first shared with me that MQM was paid by Indians
— Mubasher Lucman (@mubasherlucman) June 27, 2015
But Wiki leaks denied the revelation and fact that Julian Assange had never said such a thing.
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) June 27, 2015
I don't know what is the authentication behind this who is telling the truth and who dares to hide the truth. Listen what Mubahsar Lucman says in the video below.