Tapal Mezban Premier Dust TVC 2015 Sohai Ali Abro
Tapal Mezban introduce Premium Dust featuring Sohai Ali Abro, Uzma Khan, Sami Khan, Zahid and others. The commercial was in Sindhi language focusing the Mehman Nawaz culture.
Still there are people who help without receiving any reward. They helped and become accidental friends. With Tapal Mezban they had good memories the time they spent together.
Tapal Mezban leads the tagline "Mezbani Joraz". Watch the video right now at myipedia.
Tapal Mezban Premier Dust TVC Video:
Still there are people who help without receiving any reward. They helped and become accidental friends. With Tapal Mezban they had good memories the time they spent together.
Tapal Mezban leads the tagline "Mezbani Joraz". Watch the video right now at myipedia.

- Client: Tapal
- Product: Tapal Mezban
- Title: Accidental Friends
- Agency: IAL Saatchi & Saatchi
- Director: Farooq Mannan @ Formula Films
- D.O.P: Asrad Khan
- Assistant Director: Shahid Iqbal.
- Producer: Shahid Yaqub
- Production Manager: Nouman Waheed @ Tryangle Productions
- Art Director: Abdul Subhan Siddiqui.
- Styling: Ehtesham Ansari
- Makeup: Waqar Hussain.
- Set: Aqeel Ur Rehman @ Set&Act
- Music: Mujeeb Syed.
- Photographer: Zahid Ghori.
- Post: S Waqas Hussaini @ Second Sense.
- Detailed Post by: Myipedia
- Cast: Sami Khan, Uzma Khan, Sohai Ali, Zahid Ahmed and others