Olpers Tarka TVC 2015 Adnan Jaffar
Olper's launch Ghee and introduced it as Olper's Tarrka featuring Adnan Jaffar and many others. The theme at first looks impressive so i told my sister don't miss to watch it. Something was clicking my mind i have watch the theme some where but it was unclear i wasn't getting the point. At night i was searching some data i come across a Facebook Page Marketist due to curiosity i check the page and was very shocked after watching the video. It was the review of Olper's Tarka TVC and the admin of that page caught the point which 90% people including me missed.
The theme olper Tarka is dipicted from my most favourite animated movie "Ratatouille". I wonder where the origional creativity went of our creative team. I don't want to criticize but previously we had seen many good olper commercials and also the team did a good job with other brand commercial. Thats why i got a little bit disappointed. Olpers Tarka leads the tagline "Asli Yaad ka Maza". You can watch the TVC video and the clip from Ratatouille right now at myipedia. Reply with your comments what do you think about it?
Olper's Tarka TVC Video:

- Client: Engro Food
- Product: Olpers Tarka
- Set & Props: Aqeel Ur Rehman ( Set&Act The Set Designer )
- Director : Ammar Rasool
- Art. Dir : Qasim Mehmood
- Music : Vicky Haider
- Animation : Vertex Media
- Producer : Haris Qadeer
- Art Director: Muhammed Tayyab Siddiqui
- Asst Art Director: Kaleem Ahmed Khan
- Set Design: Muhammad Usman ( Set&Act )
- Detailed Post by: Myipedia
- Cast: Adnan Jaffar and many others (if some one knew the extended cast do inbox us)
Olper's Tarka TVC Video:
Olper's Tarka TVC Video: