Mai Soteli Upcoming Drama on Urdu1

July 30, 2014 Ambreen 0 Comments

Mai Soteli an upcoming drama on Urdu1. The drama will start after Eid on 4 August 2014. Its a soap serial. The theme based on social issues, regrets, love & relations where jealousy the main spot to ruin people peace in life. 
Mai Soteli Upcoming Drama on Urdu1
You will see a rich cast including Naveed Raza, Sherry Shah, Riz Kamali, Rizwan Ali Jaffri, Kamran Jilani, Tahir Kazmi, Sana Askari, Parveen Akbar, Nazli Nasar and many others. The teasers have been released on Urdu1. Watch the teasers now at myipedia.
Mai Soteli Teaser 1:

Mai Soteli Teaser 2:

Mai Soteli Teaser 3: