Shehroz Ghouri - Raat Ho Na Paye Gi (Audio/Video)
Shehroz Ghouri debue song Raat Ho Na Paye Gi has been added to myipedia music library. Music quite impressive as well as the vocals.
Have a listen to the audio & Watch the video below.
Raat Ho Na Paye Gi Music Video:
Raat Ho Na Paye Gi Music Audio:
Have a listen to the audio & Watch the video below.
Raat Ho Na Paye Gi Music Video:
- Song: Raat Ho Na Paye Gi
- Artist : Shehroz Ghouri
- Music: J Ali @ Soul Speaks
- Label: Zero Records
- Produced By: ZDS Productions & Zero Records
- Directed By: Saqib Siddiqui ZDS Productions
Raat Ho Na Paye Gi Music Audio: