Zong 4G Announcement TVC 2014 Hamza Ali Abbasi

May 01, 2014 Ambreen 0 Comments

As i shared in the previous post about the upcoming Zong 4G TVC featuring Hamza Ali abbasi. Here is the first zong 4G TVC video in Pakistan. After winning 4G licence zong proud to announce 4G technology for all the zongers. 
Zong 4G Announcement TVC 2014 Hamza Ali Abbasi
The video is a little flat as compared to 4G technology. They should have chosen a different idea related to the world of technology by showing animations for the future world. As shown in Hollywood movies. Overall it was ok.
Zong 4G Announcement TVC 2014 Hamza Ali Abbasi
It is not easy to upgrade a vast network suddenly you have to need time and men power. So best of luck zong 4G. Zong leads the logo "Need for speed full filled". Have a look at the video below.
Zong 4G TVC Video: 

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