Nestle Fruita Vitals Outdoor Advertisment 2014 - Kinetic

May 27, 2014 Ambreen 0 Comments

Previously you have seen Nestle Fruita Vital TVC at myipedia TVC library featuring the fruits from different countries. Here is the latest outdoor campaign of Nestle Fruita Vital. 
Nestle fruita vitals outdoor advertisment 2014
You will see Nestle fruita vital beautiful creative and animated billboards, hordings and roundabout branding spotted at many places in Karachi giving a beautiful view at night. Have a look at creative work by Kinetic below.
Nestle fruita vitals outdoor advertisment 2014

Nestle fruita vitals outdoor advertisment 2014

Nestle fruita vitals outdoor advertisment 2014

Nestle fruita vitals outdoor advertisment 2014