A&B Production Statement about Ushna & Humayun Scandal

May 25, 2014 Ambreen 0 Comments

OMG i didn't expect the things will going to come out like this. What ever was the reality behind Humayun and Ushna's relation i don't care. I also shared in the previous post Jahan Pakistan Exclusive story about Humayun & Ushna. I think all this is to gain attention or for the sake of fame or rating. You know Humayun & Ushna in news together increasing their popularity. 
A&B Production statement about Ushna and Humayun Scandal
But i wonder why the production houses involved. It was a little scandal will going to vanish away with the time but what to do the little fire which some one set intentionally or unintionally going to ruin the images of many peoples, some production house or may be the channel. The little flame burn the whole image of the building.