The heights of Fashion in Pakistan Can't imagine
What fashion means for normal people is simply dress up stylish and the fashion for fashion designers means something unique, out of way totally weird. From the last few days the social media is pointing these pictures with different captions and hatered comments. Ramp walk is the easiest way to promote fashion but if the fashion is like this one can't resist saying what's the fault of models, What crime they committed to wear these type of feminish clothes and presenting them the inspirational fashion of modern world. Pakistani fashion industry is facing a disaster these days, many models become the critics topic after the ramp walk or fashion photo shoot.

Here are some pictures i gathered feeling myself totally senseless why i am making this post? The reason i want to ask the fashion setters where your sense of fashion went away? Male models wearing female accessories as if for the change they borrowed these from their girl friends, sisters or unknowingly just pick them from Mom's wardrobe. I don't know the purpose behind this fashion. But the pictures are pointing as some one is full filing the lesuire desire of gay image, homosexuality, feminish desire or gender changing. These type of thoughts disturb the mind and the image of fashion.
Bingo for the models who bear the weight of female clothing and accessories. Hats off for all those who become ready for this type of fashion ramp walk. May be they have their own reasons, but i have mine. Totally pointless, weird, stupid and hopeless fashion. Well this was my point of view. What's yours? Have a look at some pictures below.
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