ARY Zindagi A New Channel Launching Soon

April 06, 2014 Ambreen 0 Comments

ARY Digital network is launching a new channel ARY Zindagi. It will be a new addition to ARY Digital family. A channel which will provide a quality entertainment onairing foregin content, like Indian soaps, Turkish dubbed urdu drama & Pakistani drama also. 
Ary Zindagi Launching Soon
In my opinion ARY is following the footstep of Geo & Hum Tv network. When Geo Tv launch Geo Kahani & promote low budget pakistani and 2 turkey dramas afterwards Hum Tv launch of Hum Sitaray permoting one turkey and other pakistani drama. Well what ever the case all we want a pure entertainent let wait & see what ARY Zindagi comes with the level. It is not confirmed that ARY network will turn one of his channel or launch a new one. Have a look at the teaser video below.
ARY Zindagi Teaser Video: Hope you like this detailed post by Myipedia. Please reply with your valuable feedback. Keep supporting!