Karachi Electric Supply Company K-Electric TVC 2014

February 04, 2014 Ambreen 0 Comments

Electricity plays an important role in todays life. But still we are facing electricity problems in Pakistan. Last year 2013KESC turns 100 years old. As you can watch the TVC video Kesc started its journey 1913 karachi. KESC is trying to restore karachi back as the city of lights. 
kesc pakistan
From the day of independence till now KESC tried its best in putting all the efforts for workforce to step forward with ambitions to full fill the dreams in reality. KESC started a process against electricity misuse and theft are illegal. 
k electric pakistan
KESC taking every essential step actively in educating, encouraging coversation among people. In order to reduce consumptions Kesc has also started many projects to provide karachi with efficient energy and lightning as if it was in few years back. Kesc leading the logo "Energy that moves life".
karachi electric the journey to kesc
Hope the project Kesc working on will bring back the lights back to karachi and also other cities. Wish them best of luck.
Have a look at the TVC video below.