JAN Urdu Cartoon - Episode 9 Full
Jan a new urdu cartoon series for kids. Its a story about a little
boy name Jan who is very cute and curious about lot many things. He
lives with his family and plays with his friends and siblings specially
the little sister mariam. He learn how to play games from elder brother
He love to ask many questions from elders
specially Dadi Jaan, Ammi Jaan and Baba Jani. He cares and help others.
In every episode there is a moral message and story for the children,
which make them learn how to do good things like Jan do.They learn good
habits and manners from the story.

Jan cartoons leaves a very good impact on children. This series is dubbed in urdu language and great for young children learning, as it contains easy educational content, new learning things and lot many other how to do things with objects.
- Jan Cartoon Main characters
- Jan the little kid
- Maryam Jan's little sister
- Murad Bhai Jan's older Brother
- Ammi Jaan (Mother)
- Baba Jani (Father)
- Dadi Jaan (Grander mother)
- Relatives and neighbourhood friends.
Jan series is a type where every age group children love to watch.
This cartoon series is very awesome for all age growing children. Its a wonderful cartoon series on See Tv Pakistan in urdu language with a good learning concepts.
Every episode will come with more interesting stories, concepts of learning and how to do fun things with Jan and Friends. So subscribe our channel for latest webisode of Jan Cartoon,Title Songs and Poems in HD quality.
Watch the to find out what's Jan doing in this episode.