Concordia Colleges TVC Khwab Karo On

May 08, 2015 Ambreen 0 Comments

I accidentally come across Concordia Colleges TVC Khwab Karo On a project of Beaconhouse. After watching it i told my sister isn't this the same campus in our neighbourhood Johar Town, and yes it was Concordia College Campus but i didn't thought they would make a Commercial. Overall the theme the concept regarding education and modern educational standard was good. But the whole commercial was in english and the ending was in urdu.
As i am too nosy and watched everything very keenly. I watch this commercial 3 to 4 times and caught the miss fit portion. It was the tagline which represents your whole product image and value.
I mean seriously "Khwab Karo On" this tagline doesn't suits the eductaional prespectives. The vision wasn't clear to understand. If you had seen the previous posts in my blog i use to mention the "product tagline leads" in almost every commercial post.
As for marketing for Concordia College the tagline, it gives the impression for Insurrance, KESC or Telecom Company. The tagline "Khwab karo on" reminds me of Telenor "Karo Mumkin", KESC "Switch Off karo Taleem On Karo" "Switch Off karo Bachat On Karo" "Switch Off karo Munafa On Karo" "Switch Off karo Fun On Karo", Nescafe Chilled Latte "Shuru Karo" Uni Spring Mattress "Khwaab Dekha Karo" and there are lot many. Also if someone had a nightmare how do it turned out Khwab Karo on? if that nightmare is ON how could it will going to be set OFF? So in simple words the tagline isn't suitable for educational prospective and requires a change. Watch the video and decide yourself.
Concordia College Video:
  • TVC: Concordia Colleges
  • Voice Over: Wes Malik
  • Tagline: Khwab Karo On
  • Review by: Naureen Amber @ myipedia