Kurkure Kookoff 2 Cooking Competition
Kurkure Kook Off is coming BACK with a BANG this Ramzan.With Celebrities have a fun time cooking and great masti can't wait till the meanwhile, enjoy Ramzan Ki Delight with Kurkure Bite! Videos and pictures.
Also you can participate in the competition with your favourite celebrities. You just have to send your entries at
Faceboo: www.facebook.com/ kukurepakistan
Gmail: kurkurepk@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KurkurePakistan
Via Sms: kurkure < space > coreect answer and send it to 9818.
You could win a return ticket to Turkey by simply by telling us how many teams are there in the show. You can vote your favourite team by using #KurkureKOTeamXYZ . Send in your entries , and winners will be decided by Lucky draw.
Have you checked the Krazzzyy celebrities in our Kurkure Kook Off 2 kitchen yet? if not then see the pictures down and first promo video.
Kurkure Kookoff 2 Celebrites profile:
Check out the Hashtags for your favorite celebrity and Vote for them!

Faceboo: www.facebook.com/ kukurepakistan
Gmail: kurkurepk@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KurkurePakistan
Via Sms: kurkure < space > coreect answer and send it to 9818.
You could win a return ticket to Turkey by simply by telling us how many teams are there in the show. You can vote your favourite team by using #KurkureKOTeamXYZ . Send in your entries , and winners will be decided by Lucky draw.
Have you checked the Krazzzyy celebrities in our Kurkure Kook Off 2 kitchen yet? if not then see the pictures down and first promo video.
Kurkure Cookoff 2 Video:
Kurkure Kookoff 2 Celebrites profile:
Asfar Rehman: #kurkureKOTeamASF
Noman Ejaz: #kurkureKOTeamNMN
Mehreen Raheel: #kurkureKOTeamMHR
Juggan Kazim: #kurkureKOTeamJGN
Sanam jang: #kurkureKOTeamSNM
Meekal zulfiqar: #kurkureKOTeamMKL